Monitor your behavior. Keep a daily log of your activities and what you eat. Also, record thoughts and feelings about your environment, such as where, when and what you were doing when you ate. This can help you track your eating habits and zero in on what needs changing.

Don’t miss meals. Give this some thought: Skipping breakfast can cause you to eat more later in the day.

Eat only when you’re hungry. Take a few minutes to consider whether you’re really ready to eat. This is a good way to gauge your level of hunger.

Identify activities you associate with food. Do you equate watching TV with snacking? Be aware of these kinds of associations to avoid eating when you’re not hungry.

Consider how you feel while eating. This is a way to determine whether you’re really hungry, bored, stressed or feeling some other way.

View healthy behaviors as a way to love yourself. This tip can help you stick with necessary changes because you’re unlikely to consider them as punishment.

Be kind to you. Strayed from your weight loss plan? OK, don’t obsess about your lapse, just get back on track as soon as possible.