Real Health Focus is a special issue of Real Health magazine that provides the need-to-know basics on a specific topic or health condition.

Real Health Focus Winter 2023 cover
Focus on HIV
This special issue of Real Health offers information about HIV and AIDS.
RH Focus 2023 - Hep C
Understanding Hepatitis C
This special issue of Real Health offers information about hepatitis C.
Rae Lewis-Thornton
Focus on HIV
This special issue of Real Health offers information about HIV and AIDS.
Real Health Focus HCV Nate Rush
Treating Hepatitis C
This special issue of Real Health offers information on hepatitis C, including a guide to effective treatment and a cure.
Cynthia Bailey
Effective Treatment for Uterine Fibroids
The special issue focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of uterine fibroids and dispels common myths about the condition.
LGBTQ Health
This special issue of Real Health offers information on LGBTQ health and wellness.
Real Health Focus Uterine Fibroids 2021cover
Understanding Uterine Fibroids
This special issue of Real Health offers information on uterine fibroids, including how to recognize the signs and symptoms and a guide to your treatment options.
Real Health Focus Skin Summer 2021Hidradenitis Suppurativa Jonathan Kumuteo
Focus on Hidradenitis Suppurativa
This special issue of Real Health offers information on hidradenitis suppurativa, a chronic, inflammatory skin disease.
Real Health Focus Sexual Health
Sexual Health and You
This special issue of Real Health offers information on how to improve your physical, emotional and mental well-being.
Real Health Focus Hep C cover
Focus on Hepatitis C
This special issue of Real Health offers information on hepatitis C, including a guide to your treatment options.
Real Health Quality of Life
Special Report: Cancer and Quality of Life
We’ve made strides extending life and even curing cancer but need to do more to help people with cancer have a better quality of life.
Real Health Focus Multiple Myeloma
Focus on Multiple Myeloma
This special issue of Real Health focuses on multiple myeloma, a type of blood cancer that affects the bone marrow.