Wear Sunscreen

Too much fun in the sun without proper protection can cause damage like sunburns, premature wrinkling and cancer. (And having dark skin doesn’t mean you’re off the hook.) The sun is at its strongest between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. daylight saving time, so if you’re spending time outdoors during these hours lather on some sunblock. Here are some essential sunscreen tips:

  • Use sunscreen with an SPF (sun protective factor) of 30 or higher and with both UVA and UVB protection.
  • Check the expiration date. Sunscreen without a date has a shelf life of three years, less if it’s been exposed to high heat. 
  • Apply sunscreen 15 minutes before going out in the sun.
  • Use enough sunscreen (at least enough to fill a shot glass) to cover all exposed skin. Don’t forget your feet or the tips of your ears!
  • Sunscreen washes off. Reapply it if you’re in the sun for more than two hours and after swimming or performing activities that make you sweat.
  • Protect your lips too! Wear a lip balm or lipstick with an SPF of 30.