Avoid Bites From Ticks and Mosquitoes

Ticks are usually active in the spring and summer months, but many are active anytime the temperature is above or close to freezing. To keep them from infecting you with Lyme disease, wear light-colored clothing so you can see them better; check yourself, your family and your pets for ticks and remove them promptly if you find them; steer clear of wooded, bushy areas; and apply insect repellents that contain DEET (yes, it is safe!) or permethrin to exposed skin or clothing.

Although mosquitoes may bite at any time of day, those infected with diseases such as dengue, chikungunya and Zika bite most aggressively during daylight hours, while those infected with malaria are most active during twilight periods (dawn and dusk) or in the evening after dark. Avoiding the outdoors or taking preventive actions (such as using a repellent with DEET or picaridin) during peak biting hours may reduce risk. When the weather permits, wear long-sleeved shirts and pants; when indoors, keep mosquitoes outside by using air conditioners and window screens.