IMG_0347-1024x785.jpg“It’s bad to not do anything for 8 hours but it is sad to not be able to do anything for 8 hours.”

Someone once told me, “Hunger hurts but starving is worse”. So I try everyday to “feed my mind” with some type of activity. I do this because I realize a little activity is better than no activity.

Losing my ability to reflect and imagine is my biggest fear, so keeping my mind active is a top priority for me.

One of my faults is that I probably spend too much time inside the house. I’m also too depended on my husband to find me things to do. So to counteract this, I am always searching for new intellectual pursuits. Sometimes it’s substantial, like writing a 500-word post or speaking at an event. But most times it’s small things like sitting outside watching people walk by. With me, fatigue plays a huge factor so for that particular day; people watching may be all I’m able to do.

I use to be such an active person, so I had to convince myself that physical exercise isn’t the only way to obtain mental simulation. At one point in my life, I would see people sitting around and think they were lazy. Now I know, just because someone appears to be doing nothing doesn’t mean they are actually doing nothing. For me, I use that time to reflect and clear my mind, which lets me sort out future moves. I’m able to find the right paths and create new opportunities for potential endeavors. I call it, actively doing nothing.

So if you ever find yourself being bored or to tired for physical activity, take my advice and do nothing. Because sometimes doing nothing can bring you more to do.