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Why Men Don't Cheat!

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First,I'm so glad to find this website saying why men don't cheat. There's just so many "why men cheat" and made me sick to my's rare to find this site to tell another point of view. There no real reason for for a man (or a woman) to ever cheat, period. Cheating never solves anything, it makes his or her the worst person to ever consider to date or married. CHEATERS NEVER WIN! People are SO AFRAID to discuss what’s wrong within the relationship,i often wonder why?..instead,he or she seeks out another shoulder to cry on and establish an affair in order to fullfill his/her needs. You have to be honest with with your boyfriend,husband,girlfriend,wife about their problems, if it’s not working, JUST BREAK UP! (I know Im going to get a response like “easiler said than done” or some type of responce) Cheating is an IMMATURE act that’s committed for those people I label to be COWARDS whom doing this unforgivable act out of SELFISHNESS. It takes a real man/real woman to break up like mature adults rather than just having your cake and eating it! One more thing… To those whom being/been cheated on, IT’S NOT YOUR FAULT! people who cheat had some issues (especially when it comes to constantly bad relationships) chose to make this bad decision because he or she didn’t have enough courage to talk about problems like adults. I wouldn’t even put myself in that level if someone cheats on me on the basics of REVENGE(EX.he or she cheated on me 1st/vice versa). I rather just break up and move on, that’s the mature way.

January 2, 2012

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