In today’s world where the media paints an unrealistic portrayal of women, and social media plays a huge role in hyping cosmetic trends, this harsh environment makes it hard for women to thrive and even harder for impressionable young girls. With this in mind, to support the self-esteem of young ladies, it’s important to uplift young women so they understand their beauty and can become confident in themselves without enhancements.

Through the years, Black women and young girls struggled to be acknowledged and represented in media. Now, women have started to use social media to present images of themselves and they’ve found ways to nurture and encourage the self-esteem and confidence of their daughters.

Seraya, a Surinamese mother living in the Netherlands, is a great example of a supportive mother who builds up the confidence of her two beautiful daughters, Shanillia and Janelle.

Shanillia, Seraya, Janelle

Shot by Seraya

Her Instagram @Shanillia26 is a dedication to their different hair textures. 

Shanillia, Seraya, Janelle

Shot by Seraya

Here’s the video of how I achieved this less than 30 min hairstyle inspired by @kienyabooker! With the courtesy of @frizzfreecurls and their amazing kids haircare line #curlyqs ! Janelle’s hair loves the whole line! For this hairstyle I used there #curlyqs Moist Curls Moisturiser and Milkshake to get her Curls to really shine and pop! To tame her edges I used their Curl Control Paste of the #blueberrybliss line.  #frizzfreecurls #blueberrybliss and #curlyqs are available at and select boutiques #growandslay --- - naturalhairdoescare #curlyhairmag #blackboldandnatural #healthyhairjourney #myhaircrush #naturalchixs #blackhair #teamnatural  #curls_aunatural #healthy_hair_journey  #naturalrootsista #kinky_chicks1 #berrycurly #kinkychicks #naturalhair #twistout  #teamnatural #globalcoutureblog #happilynaturallit26 #naturalgirlsrock #naturalhairdaily #cwk_girls #mynaturalhairisdope #gocurls  #amazingnaturalhair #luvyourmane #naturalgirlsrock #dutchnaturals

A post shared by Mommy of Shanillia and Janelle (@shanillia26) on

Shanillia’s crowning glory is tightly coiled and kinky while the tresses of her younger sister, Janelle, hang in loose spiral curls.

Shanillia, Seraya, Janelle

Shot by Seraya

Shanillia, Seraya, Janelle

Shot by Seraya

Seraya loves her children’s hair and that love is clear with each video and artistically designed hairstyle she creates to showcase their natural beauty.

“Tell me and I will remember. Involve me and I will learn” You know the @frizzfreecurls products work when a kid styles the hair and everything  still popping! Teaching my girls how to properly hydrate and style eachothers hair with the courtesy of @frizzfreecurls  and their amazing #blueberrybliss line! Shanillia used the leave-in conditioner to moisturise the hair. Followed by the Twist-N-Shout cream to define Janelle’s curls and to increase shine. And last but not least she used the reparative hair oil to seal in the moisture and to protect her hair against the heat of the dryer. Oh and let’s not forget Janelle’s edges which were laiddd with their curl control paste. I’ve never seen her edges THAT laid in my life! Lmao #frizzfreecurls #curlyqs #blueberrybliss is available at and select boutiques SONG: Black Queens by S’Quire --- #naturalhairdoescare #curlyhairmag #blackboldandnatural #healthyhairjourney #myhaircrush #naturalchixs #blackhair #teamnatural  #curls_aunatural #healthy_hair_journey  #naturalrootsista #kinky_chicks1 #berrycurly #kinkychicks #naturalhair #twistout  #teamnatural #globalcoutureblog #happilynaturallit26 #naturalgirlsrock #naturalhairdaily #cwk_girls #mynaturalhairisdope #gocurls  #amazingnaturalhair #luvyourmane #naturalgirlsrock #dutchnaturals

A post shared by Mommy of Shanillia and Janelle (@shanillia26) on