A new study on sexual health suggests that women’s ability to achieve sexual climax has nothing to do with anatomy — and lots to do to with their partners in bed. According to new findings published in the Archives of Sexual Behaviors, when compared with lesbian and bisexual women, straight women appear to have far fewer orgasms with their partners during sex, Forbes reports.

For the study, researchers surveyed 52,588 adults on their sexual habits, including 26,032 men who identified as heterosexual; 24,102 heterosexual women; 452 gay men; 340 lesbian women; 550 bisexual men; and 1,112 bisexual women. Straight men reported the highest rate of sexual satisfaction, with 95 percent confirming that they “usually always” achieved orgasms during sex with their partners. Gay and bisexual men had orgasm success rates of 89 percent and 88 percent, respectively.

Among women, 86 percent of lesbians reported the highest satisfaction rate and said their partners usually or always brought them to orgasm. Meanwhile, straight and bisexual women said they reached this peak of pleasure 65 percent and 66 percent of the time, respectively. Researchers noted that these findings showed that the historic misconception that women’s physical anatomy makes it hard for them to achieve orgasm is grossly inflated.

“We consider sociocultural and evolutionary explanations for these orgasm gaps,” scientists wrote. “The results suggest a variety of behaviors that couples can try to increase orgasm frequency.” 

To increase their chances of achieving the big O, researchers advised that couples engage in more oral sex and lengthier lovemaking sessions and also urged women to specifically ask for what they want in bed.

Findings showed that couples who indulged in anal stimulation, deep kissing and manual genital stimulation and acted out fantasies and incorporated sexy talk during their sexual encounters were also more likely to report higher orgasm rates for both partners.

Click here for more advice on how to spice up your love life with your partner.