It can be upsetting and overwhelming to find out that you have hepatitis C . You probably have many questions. Your mind may be churning, wondering how you got it, how serious it is or whether you could die from it. If you’re newly diagnosed with hep C, take a deep breath, work closely with a health care provider and begin surrounding yourself with the support you need. Here are some basic questions to ask your doctor: 

What tests do I need to monitor my liver health?

How severe is my liver disease? Do I have cirrhosis?

What treatments are available for hepatitis C?

What factors affect which treatment I should use?

How long will I need to be treated?

How likely am I to be cured?

What are my options if treatment doesn’t work?

How can I prevent catching hepatitis C again after being cured?

Do I need to be monitored for liver cancer?

What else can I do to keep my liver healthy?

Click here to read more about hepatitis C.