The decision of whether or not to tell aging loved ones that theyshould stop driving is a difficult one that many adults must face.However, since drivers above the age of 75 have the second highest rateof fatal crashes per mile driven (teenagers have the first), thedecision may become one we can’t ignore. offers tips on how to determine if you should take your agingparent or loved one off the road. Not all older drivers havedeteriorated driving skills; however, some will experience vision andhearing problems that can affect their driving abilities. Considerthese questions when determining whether or not an elder should bebehind the wheel: 1. Is the person a competent driver during the daybut incompetent at night? 2. Does he or she do well driving locally butstruggle at higher speeds or when directions are needed? 3. Has he orshe been in an accident that was deemed his or her fault? 4. Does thedriver say that cars or pedestrians seem to appear out of nowhere?

Click here to read more questions to consider and also to find tips on how to talk to your loved one about this sensitive matter.