If you ever wondered about the ingredients in your multivitamins, ConsumerLab.com has news for you. More than 30 percent of multivitamins tested by the company had significantly more or less of a claimed ingredient—or they were tainted with lead.

Generally, a number of multivitamins for men, women and children failed testing criteria in a number of ways. Of several men’s multivitamins tested—the article doesn’t list the brand names—one had too much folic acid (raising the risk of prostate cancer); another showed lead contamination.

Of four women’s multivitamins tested, all had inaccurate amounts of specific vitamins listed. Three multivitamins for children exceeded the established upper tolerable limits for vitamin A, folic acid (vitamin B9), niacin and zinc.

In other findings from the lab testing, two out of five general multivitamins posted inaccurate ingredient quantities. One fell short by 50 percent on claimed quantities of folic acid; the other was missing 30 percent of its listed amount of calcium.

Because some multivitamin labels prove untrustworthy, RH advises you to check nutritionist Goulda Downer’s top five multivitamin choices here.