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FDA Approves Truvada as PrEP

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juan huitron

I been taking Truvada for over 2 weeks and feel just fine no side effects.

August 21, 2013 minneapolis


David I hope and pray you are right about a cure been "around the corner" I am new to this not on meds, Body hurting today. Looking at a life ahead of me of stigma and rejection. I hope a cure will come or an easy treatment like once a year injections personally its in this that my faith is in. They are to start a new series of tests in germany on Vacc 4 and general P1 tests with Vacc 5. I just read and article that quotes Michel Sidibé as saying a functional cure could be here is 6-10 years

August 13, 2012


I do not remember the name of a physician who won the Nobel Prize a few years ago on cell communication with the outside. But in any case - then it was not HIV + - but remember there critical commentary against the pharmaceutical industry to receive the Nobel Prize. He said that all illnesses were resolved in laboratories, but for the pharmaceutical industry's interest that there is not healthy. The important thing is to chronic diseases in order to have a lot of patients and consumers, which would benefit economicallythe Pharmaceutical Industries.

August 5, 2012 Sweden

Frederick Wright

You guys are making Pharma to powerful and to evil, they are just about making a buck, not stopping a cure, this makes them more motivated, for the research is where they make the big bucks with products like Viagra a bonus while researching on live HIVers. 40 percent reduction in new HV cases could be a gift in Africa and I am sure many are thinking of front loading PREP and PEP in Africa whille we debate it in the states for years on who can afford it and who is going to writte the scrip.

August 2, 2012 Coachella valley

Farmer Mitch

(cont) I find it really, really conspicuous that just as soon as this drug got approved, the conversation shifted to suggesting it will be most beneficial for (identified) serodiscordants (whose partners should already be treated, and are thus at negligible risk), with reminders that this drug is only effective when taken religiously. I see the makings of a conversation that has shifted from "its your fault for not using a condom" to "its your fault for missing a dose" in the near future.

July 31, 2012

Farmer Mitch

Well, something's up, though i'm not sure it's a cure they're afraid of. It'd be naive to think that Big Pharma would sell anything that would decrease the total number of HIV+ who are chained to ARVs for life. In farming, that's called "selling your seed corn", and its understood as a desperate last resort. Pharma ain't desperate though. I think if you're not seeing some kind of conspiracy... surrounding this bareback party pill, you're not paying attention.

July 31, 2012 Des Moines


I can't speculate but I will try. Could it be that pharma companies want to get their drugs passed as PrEP because they may see a cure in sight for those living with HIV? And in order to continue to make a profit they now want to sell the drugs to HIV- people to fund their past and future costs and research? Hmmm...we all know that a cure would mean less money for the big pharma companies. Just thining out loud.

July 30, 2012 Philadelphia


Oh hey, speaking of the distinct pattern... July 19, researchers at Scripps happened across something new in dealing with the reservoir. Google it. The pattern continues. The revolution will be covered up and forgotten.

July 21, 2012

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