Although having your hair done may help keep your mane healthy and gorgeous, visiting the salon can be a financial drain during tough economic times. But don’t tear out your hair—you don’t have to give up your hair care regimen to save a few bucks. Check out these stylist and barber tips reported by CBS 42 Wake Up Alabama to help you keep your salon hair-health routine going long and strong.

Lay your cards on the table. Discuss budget constraints right away with your stylist so she or he can give you low-maintenance hairstyling options.

Schedule your appointments way in advance. Plan salon visits for the next few months or even up to a year. Doing so will also help you plan your budget.

Know styling costs upfront. Ask for a price list to review before you make your appointment so you won’t be shocked by the total cost of services at the end of your salon visit.

Spread out your appointments. If you get more than one service done in a salon, staggering those services will ensure your wallet won’t take a huge hit all at once.

Click here to learn how your dermatologist can help you save on hair care.