So you’ve welcomed summer by getting your hair chopped into a short, sassy style. Problem is, Do you know what to do with just a few inches of hair? No worries if you don’t. AOL Black Voices celebrity stylist Maisha Oliver can school you on how to do the short ’do.
Step 1: Update your hair care toolbox.
First buy the right styling tools at your local beauty supply shop, Oliver says. Invest in a blow-dryer with a diffuser, a flatiron and a curling iron (between 1/4 and 1/8 of an inch) and style serum (since chances are you’ll be using more styling tools and your hair will want that extra love).
Step 2: Experiment.
It’s your hair, so do what you like! Get inspiration from magazines and online (think BV Hair Talk, natch). This playtime helps you get to know your shorter hair better, so why not create a few new hair looks that work for you?
Step 3: Upkeep daily.
Carve out extra time for daily maintenance. Start off with a light, non-greasy moisturizer or daily shine spray. At day’s end, tie a satin or silk scarf on your head to retain hair’s natural oils and moisture. (Worried about flattening out the volume? Just tie scarf at the nape and leave the top free.)
Step 4: Wash weekly.
Since short hair often requires more styling, that means using more styling products. Cleanse tresses once each week to prevent dulling buildup.
Step 5: Keep those appointments.
Because short hair means more visible new growth and colored roots, be prepared for increased salon visits. Coordinate your haircuts and trims with chemical treatments for all-in-one effectiveness. Trim your hair every four to six weeks, but do it on the same day you get a relaxer or color treatment. Or if don’t use relaxers and color, then get a trim every six to eight weeks.
Click here for more tips on how to groom your hair to perfection.