Thank you so much for your cover story, “Heart Health,” (Fall 2005) on Toni Braxton and her battles with her heart condition. It’s refreshing to read about a celebrity who talks so openly and personally about the real issues that affect our community. As a mother of two and a woman who has had a few heart problems of her own, I can relate to Toni’s fears and struggles. I hope that other readers will be inspired to take control of their own health. Toni is such a wonderful role model for me, my children and, hopefully, other celebrities. I am so glad we finally have a magazine that gives the honest stories of celebrities that other magazines leave out.

Beatrice Sweeney
Los Angeles

Thank you for reading! We’re thrilled that Toni is calling attention to an issue that has had such a devastating impact on our community. On page 18, rapper Common also emphasizes being mindful of what we put in our bodies. That crucial step can go a long way in preventing so many of the health conditions that affect us, including diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure and cancer. —The Editors

I saw Real Health when it was sent to my colleague. It was the first time I’d seen it, and I’m so impressed! It’s great to have a magazine that speaks directly to us about our health.  

Kristen Tate

I just received a copy of Real Health, and I’d like to congratulate you. I would also like to refer your readers to the National Medical Association (www.nmanet.org) and the Student National Medical Association (www.snma.org). They are excellent resources for any young black college student, especially for those who want to enter the medical field.

Daniel Laroche, MD
New York City

I am writing to thank Kai Wright for tackling the issues surrounding homosexuality in our community (“When a Son Is Gay,” Fall 2005). My son, who is 24, came out to me about a year and a half ago, but he’s afraid of telling his father. I agree that my husband will not handle it well. But in my way, I am making headway with him by voicing my support of gay people’s rights and discussing the dangers of the down low. Mr. Wright’s article served as an excellent springboard for discussing the issue again with my husband. He’s coming closer to a more tolerant view of things, and I believe he’ll eventually come around to accepting our son.

Stephanie Stevenson
Birmingham, Alabama

Send letters to Real Health, 500 Fifth Avenue, Suite 320, New York, NY 10110 or e-mail edit@realhealthmag.com. Include your name, city, state and a phone number or e-mail address where we may reach you. Letters may be edited for publication.