Before locking lips with a loved one who has a food allergy, non-allergic partners should brush their teeth, rinse their mouths and avoid the offending food for 16 to 24 hours beforehand. (Note: But even these steps may not help in some cases.)

A love crisis can happen when a person is allergic to spermicides, lubricants, latex or semen. Those allergic to their partner’s semen should try using condoms or getting desensitization immunotherapy. In mild cases, antihistamines have also helped.

Before getting a flu shot, people should get tested by an allergist for the specific vaccine if they have egg or gelatin allergies or a history of severe reaction to any influenza vaccine.

To avoid an allergic reaction to nickel-plated cell phones, consider covering the device with plastic film and using a wireless earpiece, or switch to a cell phone that doesn’t contain metal parts that come into contact with the skin.
Be cautious outdoors. Bees are attracted to bright colors, perfumes, colognes, open cans and cups and trash cans. Those highly allergic should carry an epinephrine self-injection pen (EpiPen) and consider allergy shots. Those have a 90 percent success rate.

This physical and emotional response to pressure can trigger an allergic reaction and worsen allergies. Reduce stress with exercise; follow a healthy diet; and use HEPA filters to clean allergy-triggering dust from home air.

Manage asthma daily with an Asthma Action Plan, a handy guide and informative wallet card. They’re available online from the U.S. National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute’s National Asthma Education and Prevention Program. Record the severity of your asthma and the success of your meds. Track asthma attacks and triggers and see techniques to avoid them. Review your action plan and findings with an allergist every one to six months.

Finally, see a board-certified allergist regularly.