Staff from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) have foundTruvada, a pill from Gilead Sciences, to be safe and effective when used toprotect HIV-negative people from getting the virus, Bloomberg Businessweekreports. Gilead would be the first company to sell a drug for pre-exposureprophylaxis (PrEP) treatment. FDA staff found Truvada to be “well-tolerated,”and they accepted data from two studies that supported its ability to reducethe risk of infection. Regulators have said that their main concerns are whenand how it should be used, what tests should be required for patients and whatinformation should be used for patients and doctors. FDA advisers will hold ahearing May 10 to consider approving Truvada as PrEP.
To read the Bloomberg Businessweek article, click here.
FDA Staff Supports Truvada PrEP in Advance of Hearing