Today, people living with hepatitis C virus (HCV) and hepatitis B virus (HBV) around the world are sharing their photos and stories on social media to mark World Hepatitis Day (WHD), which is observed every year on July 28 to help raise awareness of the liver virus and ramp up efforts to eliminate the epidemic.

This year’s WHD theme is “Eliminate Hepatitis” — a call to action by the World Health Organization’s Global Strategy on Viral Hepatitis, which aims to eliminate hepatitis B and hepatitis C worldwide by 2030. To build momentum, the World Hepatitis Alliance, which organizes WHD every year, launched #ShowYourFace, a Polaroid photo social media campaign that aims to put a human face to the epidemic and remind people that hepatitis is relevant to everyone, no matter their status.

To get involved in the campaign, head to, upload your photo and write your accompanying “I AM” statement (e.g, “I AM educating”; “I AM getting tested”). The messages can be used to help highlight the specific actions you are taking to meet WHO’s 2030 goal or to help make people living with hepatitis B or C feel empowered and personally connected to the global fight against viral liver disease. also has a global events map, where you can search for World Hepatitis Day events taking place in your area and download posters, fliers and outreach tool kits for raising awareness.

Here are a few facts and hashtags to share on social media for World Hepatitis Day 2017:

  • Worldwide, 325 million people are living with a hepatitis B or hepatitis C infection.
  • Viral hepatitis accounts for 1.34 million deaths every year—as many as HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis or malaria combined.
  • Currently, 90 percent of people living with hepatitis B and 80 percent of people living with hepatitis C are not aware of their status.
  • New hepatitis C treatments can cure up to 95 percent of people who take them.
  • Use #WorldHepatitisDay #ShowYourFace #WHD2017 #NoHep #Hepatitis and #EliminateHepatitis to join the conversation.