To get beautiful summertime feet, most women consider a good pedi a must. But not all spas are created equal. Make sure your tootsies stay healthy by following these steps.

•    Schedule your appointment in the morning when salon tubs are cleanest. But if you miss getting an early time slot, make sure the technician disinfects the tub before you use it.
•    BYPT: Bring your own pedicure tools to prevent contamination.
•    Go unshaven for your appointment. This keeps bacteria from entering your skin.
•    Let technicians remove dead skin only with a pumice stone (never a razor).
•    Insist technicians use blunt pedicure tools instead of sharp ones that can puncture
     your skin.
•    Make sure your toenails are cut straight across and smoothed with a fresh emery
•    Don’t leave the nail shop with wet toes. Extra moisture can produce fungus.
•    Don’t allow your cuticles to be cut. Technicians should always push them back.