Good Genes
Researchers have concluded that the genetic mutation 9q21, linked to an increased risk for heart attacks in whites, does not affect African Americans. But we are still disproportionately diagnosed with cardiovascular disease. Prevent it by exercising three times a week, dropping extra pounds and quitting smoking.

Slowly, but Surely
The life-expectancy gap between blacks and whites narrowed by almost two years between 1993 and 2003. The average black person should live until age 73.1, (the average white person lives until age 78.3). Reductions in deaths caused by homicide, accidents and HIV infection among black men, along with better heart-disease prevention for black women, have helped shrink the gap.

Perm Panic
Nervous that your next “touch up” might cause cancer? Relax. A new study found that lye relaxers do not increase women’s breast cancer risk. Not convinced? Try an organic version such as Africa’s Best Organics No-Lye Conditioning Relaxer ($5.49).