With more and more health stores popping up, Prevention.com advises you to not fall for the hype that everything offered in these venues is healthy. These tips will help you choose groceries with the highest nutritional payoffs.

Give “Vegetarian Meats” a Chance: Health food stores may be one the few places that offers an array of healthy faux meats. Incorporating more high-protein, fiber-rich, cholesterol and saturated-fat-free meatless burgers, hotdogs and bacon into your diet can help reduce your risk of developing heart disease.

Be wary of the hot food bar: Just because the mashed potatoes are “freshly made” and the macaroni and cheese is “organic” doesn’t mean they are necessarily good for you. Stick to dishes with vegetables and fruits as the main ingredients.

Pick locally grown fruits and veggies: If you can’t make it to the farmer’s market, your neighborhood health food store may be the next best thing. Local produce has more nutrients, and it travels a shorter distance from the farm to your plate, which is good for the environment since fewer carbon emissions are created in transit.

Read more tips here.