Attention wives: A new study suggests that the cardiovascular damage caused by a dysfunctional marriage—those punctuated by plenty of arguments and anger—may affect women more than men.

While both genders in “strained” unions are more likely to feel depressed as compared with their happier counterparts, researchers found that women in stressful marriages were more likely to develop symptoms of metabolic syndrome—the combination of metabolic risk factors characterized by large waist circumference, low levels of "good" cholesterol and high levels of triglycerides (a type of blood fat), to name a few.

So why are men not as drastically affected? The researchers are not sure. The men in the study were as likely as the women to suffer depression caused by marital tension, but researchers speculate that women take the negativity in relationships more to heart and ruminate about it more so than men.

Doesn’t seem quite fair, does it?